Relearning how to human

Through my activist work and work with various networks I’ve come to the understanding that we (as in most members of Western societies) need to relearn how to human. How to inhabit our bodies and access their wisdom, how to grief and feel our emotions, how to take care of ourselves and each other, how to rest and step out of constant productivity, how to celebrate life and tap into joy, reimagine the future, trust each other and ourselves, work with our shadows, reclaim our pleasure, unlearn toxic patterns, take back responsibility. We are all we need. We need to wake up and stop exploiting each other and our planet. We need to learn how to be active without burning out, to look without despairing and to fall in love with life over again to protect it.

I am committed for all my work to contribute to that and want to actively create offers and inspiration that allows us to explore together what relearning could look like.

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Relearning how to human.